Office To Let St Neots
4,687-10,156 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
The market town of St Neots has a population of about 26,000 and lies 50 miles north of London, 18 miles west of Cambridge, 11 miles north-east of Bedford and 25 miles south of Peterborough. The A1 by-passes the town providing excellent north-south communications, and the A14/A1 link lies 8 miles to the north. There is a main line railway station with a frequent service to Kings Cross. The subject property is situated within the well established Howard Road Industrial Estate, a short distance from the A428 junction with the A1 providing good access to both Cambridge and Bedford as well as North and South. Howard Road is a popular and well established industrial estate with a large number of both local and regional employers.
3 Howard Road Provides Modern, Comfort Cooled Offices And Laboratories Within A Purpose Built Three-story Office Building At The Front Of A Warehouse. The Ground Floor Comprises A Shared Entrance Lobby With A Dedicated Reception, Open Plan Stairs To The Upper Floors And A Door Through To A Passenger Lift To The First Floor Offices. On The First Floor, There Are Two Substantial Office Suites, Available Either Separately Or Combined. The Front Suite Has Most Recently Been Used As Laboratories. On The Second Floor Are Two Substantial Storerooms Which Can Be Made Available To Occupiers. Both Suites Benefit From Separate Male And Female Wc Facilities And Kitchens.