Retail/Shop To Let Perth
1,313 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
The city of Perth has a resident population of approximately 46,000 persons, with the population of the surrounding catchment area estimated to be in the region of 130,000. Perth is situated approximately 20 miles west of Dundee, 40 miles north of Edinburgh and 60 miles north east of Glasgow lying at the hub of Central Scotland's road network. More precisely, the subjects occupy a prominent and busy location on the south side of High Street, a short distance from the prime pedestrianised section of High Street. Surrounding occupiers include; Sainsbury, Pizza Express, Savers etc. The approximate location is shown by the OS plan.
The Subjects Comprise A Ground Floor Retail Unit Contained Within A Mid-terraced Building. The Subjects Are Of Mixed Age And Construction. Access To The Property Is Directly Off High Street Via A Recessed Pedestrian Entrance Door. Accommodation Is Largely Open Plan In Nature Split Into A Shop Front/retail Area With Back Shop And Staff Facilities. The Property May Suit A Variety Of Commercial Uses, Subject To The Required Consents. National Operators Close-by Ample On Street Car Parking Nia:122 Sq.m (1,313 Sq.ft)