Retail/Shop To Let Burton on Trent
1,132 sq.ft
Key Features
Property Details
Location Burton On Trent is a large market town, straddling the River Trent, in the east of Staffordshire. The town is situated 28 miles north-east of Birmingham and 11 miles south-west of Derby. Station Street is located within Burton On Trent’s central business core and the subject premises are located on the pedestrianised stretch between the junctions with High Street and Union Street close to Cooper’s Square Shopping Centre it’s 600 space customer car park. The Property The premises comprise a double fronted, ground floor lock-up unit with ancillary staff/storage accommodation and are eminently suitable for a range of A1 retail and A2 Financial and Professional Service providers, or other uses – subject to planning permission and Landlords consent Accommodation Measured on a Net Internal Area (NIA) basis Gross frontage 42’3”” (12.88 m) Net frontage 35’8” ( 10.87 m) Net Sales Area 972 sq ft (45.52 sq m) Staff/stock room, Kitchen 160 sq ft (14.86 sq m) WC off Net Internal Area 1,132 sq ft (105.16 sq m) Non Domestic Rates Utilising the Valuation Office online Rating List we understand that the premises have been assessed as follows Shop and Premises Rateable Value £26,000 Multiplier 0.491 This not what you will pay Interested parties are advised to contact Derby City Council Non Domestic Rates Dept. directly in order to confirm the actual rates liability. Services We believe all mains services are available. Interested parties should make their own enquiries and investigations in order to determine the availability of services and whether they are adequate for their proposed use, Energy Performance Certificate We have obtained a copy of the current Energy Performance Certificate from the national database and note that the premises have been assessed as follows Energy Rating D – 85 A copy of the Energy Performance Certificate is available on request. Terms The premises are offered to let by way of a new lease drawn on a full repairing and insuring basis and for a term of years to be agreed and will incorporate regular rent reviews appropriate. Planning and Use Planning permission was granted under ref P/2102/01284 for change of use from Shop (Class A1) to Licensed Betting Office (Class A2) including installation of 2 air conditioning condenser units. Interested parties must make their own enquiries of East Staffordshire Borough Council Planning Department in order to ensure that their proposed use complies with any existing planning consent regulation or may otherwise require consent for change of use. Rent £29,950 per annum exclusive. Value Added Tax (VAT) The property has not been registered for VAT. However, the Landlord reserves the right to opt to waive the VAT exemption n the future. Legal Costs Each party to the transaction will bear their own legal costs. Viewing All viewings to be strictly by prior appointment through the selling agents, Raybould & Sons. Contact Martin Langsdale Tel 01332 295555 Email martin@raybouldandsons.co.uk Subject to Contract and Availability