7 properties for rent or buy
found within miles
of Newcastle,bridgend

Newcastle, Bryansford, Dundrum

Newcastle-upon-Tyne is most commonly known as ‘Newcastle’ and is found in Tyne and Weir in the North East of England. Well-known for their friendly nature, Geordies have built up a strong economy, especially in retail, learning, digital technology, and culture. With a nightlife that is difficult to beat – especially around the Quayside and Bigg Market areas, a world-famous football club – Newcastle United, and of course, being the home of the favourite tipple, Newcastle Brown beer, Newcastle has a strong identity and big influence over local and national culture.


To Let

Bridgend, CF31 1DN

Retail | 4,921 SQ.FT

To Let

Bridgend, CF31 1DN

Retail | 7,118 SQ.FT

To Buy
£180,000 Freehold

Bridgend, CF31 1DN

Retail | 2,298-26,725 SQ.FT

To Let

Bridgend, CF31 1DN

Retail | 8,139 SQ.FT

To Let
£25,000 / pa
£2,083 / month

Bridgend, CF31 1JS

Retail | 2,730 SQ.FT

To Let

Bridgend, CF31 3SE

Industrial | 40-160 SQ.FT

To Let

Bridgend, CF31 3SE

Storage | 40-160 SQ.FT

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