29 properties for rent or buy
found within miles
of Rawmarsh


To Let

Rotherham, S60 1LH

Storage | 35-120 SQ.FT

To Let
£180,000 / pa
£15,000 / month

Rotherham, S60 1QF

Land | 3.600 ACRES

To Let

Rotherham, S60 1LH

Industrial | 35-120 SQ.FT

To Let

Rotherham, S60 1LH

Storage | 35-120 SQ.FT

To Let
Starting From £11,813 / pa
£984 / month

Rotherham, S60 1RU

Office | 1,575-3,625 SQ.FT

To Let
Starting From £13,300 / pa
£1,108 / month

Rotherham, S60 1LH

Industrial | 1,900-4,300 SQ.FT

To Let

Rotherham, S60 2HG

Retail | 14,950 SQ.FT

To Let
£9,000 / pa
£750 / month

Rotherham, S60 2AB

Office | 953 SQ.FT

To Buy
£270,000 Freehold

Rotherham, S63 7QE

Retail | 5,839 SQ.FT

To Buy
£425,000 Freehold

Rotherham, S63 7QQ

Other | 0 SQ.FT

To Let
Starting From £3,120 / pa
£260 / month

Rotherham, S60 2AG

Office | 283-742 SQ.FT

To Let

Rotherham, S60 1BY

Industrial | 320-1,500 SQ.FT

To Let

Rotherham, S60 1BY

Industrial | 320-1,500 SQ.FT

To Let

Rotherham, S60 1BY

Storage | 320-1,500 SQ.FT

To Let

Rotherham, S60 1BY

Office | 320-1,500 SQ.FT

To Let
£100,000 / pa
£8,333 / month

Rotherham, S60 1BY

Office | 13,739 SQ.FT

To Let
£3,120 / pa
£260 / month

Rotherham, S63 7JZ

Office | 260 SQ.FT

To Let
£1,812 / pa
£151 / month

Rotherham, S63 7JZ

Office | 302 SQ.FT

To Let
£13,125 / pa
£1,094 / month

Rotherham, S60 1DX

Office | 2,625 SQ.FT

To Let
£20,000 / pa
£1,667 / month

Rotherham, S60 5DN

Office | 1,609 SQ.FT

To Buy
£4,000,000 Freehold

Rotherham, S60 5PA

Land | 6.670 ACRES

To Let
Starting From £3,614 / pa
£301 / month

Mexborough, DN12 4LH

Office | 556-1,674 SQ.FT

To Let
Starting From £3,300 / pa
£275 / month

Rotherham, S60 2XL

Industrial | 315-7,164 SQ.FT

To Let
£18,000 / pa
£1,500 / month

Sheffield, S9 1RD

Industrial | 2,969 SQ.FT

To Let
£21,000 / pa
£1,750 / month

Sheffield, S9 1UD

Office | 2,850 SQ.FT

To Let
Starting From £4,476 / pa
£373 / month

Sheffield, S9 1EP

Office | 60-700 SQ.FT

To Let

Rotherham, S66 1YY

Office | 2,032 SQ.FT

To Let

Barnsley, S74 0FN

Industrial | 266,044 SQ.FT

To Let
£14,000 / pa
£1,167 / month

Sheffield, S9 2RX

Office | 1,120 SQ.FT

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