
The Paddocks Farm

The Paddocks Farm situated on the A6 between Kibworth and Great Glen in Leicestershire offers various Small Workshops, Storage Containers and Business Units.

Please contact us for more information on

 07973 143767

To Let
£1,320 / pa
£110 / month

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Industrial | 120 SQ.FT

To Let

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Industrial | 120 SQ.FT

To Let

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Storage | 120 SQ.FT

To Let
£1,320 / pa
£110 / month

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Storage | 120 SQ.FT

To Let

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Industrial | 2,700 SQ.FT

To Let

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Industrial | 2,700 SQ.FT

To Let

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Industrial | 600 SQ.FT

To Let

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Industrial | 600 SQ.FT

To Let

Leicester, LE8 0NP

Industrial | 2,700 SQ.FT

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